Book Shaun for a speaking event

We all have a thirst and hunger inside of us that goes beyond our physical needs. Most fall victim to continually making failed attempts at fulfilling this thirst and hunger in all the wrong places, experiencing and projecting the pain that comes from doing so, perpetuating a cycle of resentment and disconnection.

This seemingly insatiable thirst and hunger is for God, for His unconditional love, for us to follow Him into the adventure of our lives and always put Him first. Enduring and enjoying the journey He built us for, ultimately rising into all we were meant to become, all we are, transforming our hearts and minds to be unified with our spirit, which is unconditional love and faith at its core. Free from fear, resentment, anger, shame, and worldly attachments. These are words I never thought I would be writing, yet here I am! Eager to share my journey giving glory to God, the practical tools and psychological understanding I have gained to help people in all areas, now paired with the ultimate healing and fulfillment found only in God, respecting each individual's progressive relationship with however they define this higher power, trusting God is guiding them exactly where he wants them to fulfill their purpose within His plan.

-Shaun Zimmer

I AM  Actively Committed To Serving. No event or audience is too big or too small.

Click below to book a public speaking event in person or online to have me share my transformative testimony and advice after coming out of the dark depths of hell and repeatedly going back in throughout my life until fully coming to Christ. Ultimately directing everyone to put God first and seek Christ while respecting each individual's progressive revelation with God, however they currently define this higher power.

All services are a free will offering, donations are welcome but never expected.